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How can I donate to the East Texas Research Center?
How can I donate to the East Texas Research Center?
The ETRC welcomes donations of manuscript material, photographs, books, or other items that fall within the collecting scope of the Center.
These donations enrich the Center's collections and allow us to use our limited monetary resources for other purposes.
- Donations of books will be recognized by a letter from the Ralph W. Steen Library thanking the individual for his or her donation.
- Manuscript collections will be given special consideration by the East Texas Research Center, and arrangements for their donation should be made through the Director, Linda Reynolds (asketrc@sfasu.edu | 936.468.4100).
- Monetary donations to the Ralph W. Steen Library may be made through the SFA Office of Development. Use their online form for your convenience.
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Last Updated: Jun 05, 2023 Views: 61
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