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What kinds of publications need to be sent to the State Publications Depository Program?

What kinds of publications need to be sent to the State Publications Depository Program?

Your office or department should send a publication to the State Publication Liaison if it meets all three of the following criteria:

  • It is published in a physical format, such as paper, microfilm, audio/video disc, film, etc.
  • It is produced at the total or partial expense of the University or is published under the University's authority. This includes publications the University has sponsored or purchased for distribution, as well as those that result from a consultant contract with an external entity.
  • It is intended to be distributed outside of the University on request or in multiple copies.

Publications that DO NOT need to be sent:

Any materials produced solely to meet the University’s internal operating needs do not need to be sent to the Publications Liaison, such as employee announcements, calendars, contracts, forms, etc. SFA merchandise such as stationery or planners do not need to be sent. However, internal publications should be submitted to the University Archivist.

Answered By: Melissa Clark
Last Updated: Jun 05, 2023 Views: 22

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