Where can I find information about careers I'm interested in?

Where can I find information about careers I'm interested in?

A good place to start is the Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH). It offers information on the hundreds of occupations that are most common in the United States.

Each occupational profile describes the typical duties performed by the occupation, the work environment, the typical education and training needed, the median pay for workers, and the job outlook over the coming decade. This is a free online resource provided by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics.

For more information on a given career or area of interest, you can also search for additional Library resources. Using the search box on the Steen Library home page, type in your career choice followed by: 'AND career.'

For example,

Contact a Librarian if you need help searching.

Answered By: Melissa Clark
Last Updated: Jan 30, 2025     Views: 55

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