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How can I find the rest of an article?
How can I find the rest of an article?
Sometimes you may come across a summary or abstract of an article, book chapter, or conference proceeding that would be really helpful for your research.
If the Library doesn't have access to the full text of something you need, submit an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request, and we will do our best to borrow it from another library for you.
It's important to plan ahead, since it can take time for an article, book, or other item to be delivered to you.
You'll need to login to the ILL system with your mySFA information, (or create a new account with your mySFA info if you've never used ILL before). Then you fill out a simple form with all the information you know about the item (the more the better), and you will be contacted when the item arrives.
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