How can I tell if a book is in print, online, or both?

How can I tell if a book is in print, online, or both?

There are few indicators you can look for to determine whether a book is print or online.

Print books will have a location and call number, for example, 'SFA Stacks, ML160 .G94.' The location and call number tell you where to find it in the Library. Checked out materials ('Material has been checked/charged out') are also print books.

Ebooks, though, usually have a 'Full Text Online' link. They might also give a location of 'SFA Internet' and have a link to 'click to view online.'

Some books are available both in print and online. In this case, you should see both a location & call number and a full text link. You can choose which you prefer.

Answered By: Melissa Clark
Last Updated: Apr 14, 2023     Views: 248

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