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What accommodations are available to users with disabilities?
What accommodations are available to users with disabilities?
Ralph W. Steen Library provides accommodations to individuals with disabilities in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008.
These accommodations are designed to ensure all individuals have equal opportunity and access to library programs, resources, and services. When possible, the library will provide additional accommodations for a given individual in order to ensure equal opportunity and access.
Accommodation Services
The library staff will retrieve books from the shelves for patrons with disabilities and will provide assistance with the microfilm/fiche machines.
Patrons with disabilities may leave materials needing copying at the Library Services Desk to be picked up later. Requests for immediate copying will be addressed in the order in which they are received. Time constraints and work load may prevent staff from completing a patron’s entire copying request immediately.
Requesting Accommodation
To request accommodation for a disability, visit the Library Services desk or contact Ask A Librarian: email | 936-468-1497.
All concerns and suggestions regarding library services for patrons with disabilities should be directed to the Library Director, Jonathan Helmke at
Adaptive Equipment and Programs
The ITS Help Desk on the first floor of Ralph W. Steen Library supports select adaptive equipment and programs.
Please contact the ITS Help Desk with any questions and issues.
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