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How do I find primary sources?
How do I find primary sources?
Primary sources can be difficult to find, because they are so varied. The database and strategy you use to search for primary sources on the Caddo people will be very different from what you use to find primary sources on World War II.
One place to start would be to use the Library's main search (SteenFind Advantage) for your topic and one of the primary source types (letter, diary, etc.)
- "civil war" AND diary -!/search?ho=t&include.ft.matches=f&l=en&q=%22civil%20war%22%20AND%20diary
- "thomas jefferson" AND correspondence -!/search?ho=t&include.ft.matches=f&l=en&q=%22thomas%20jefferson%22%20AND%20correspondence
You may also select one or more options in the search's 'Content Type' limiter to look at types most likely to be primary sources (e.g., photograph, archival material, manuscript, map).
Additionally, there are a number of databases rich in primary sources that you may not find in the main Library search. Some of these are listed below.
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